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The Forest  Platform

During the event, participants will be trained in using the Rigetti Forest Platform to simulate and control the 16 Qubit Aspen Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) using their Quantum Cloud Services™ QCS  :

This is done through a Python Library called PyQuil. See the link for installation and setup instructions:


Image courtesy Rigetti Computing. Photo by Justin Fantl.

PyQuil allows users to interact with, control, and run algorithms on the QPU.

Users can also simulate its behaviour on a classical computer, using the Software Devolpment Kit (SDK)​.



If you do not have some version of Python3 (3.6 or greater), download it and follow instructions here:


Jupyter Notebooks:

The challenges will be run using jupyter notebooks. If you do not already have jupyter, you can find installation instructions here:

Jupyter Notebooks:

The challenges will be run using jupyter notebooks. If you do not already have jupyter, you can find installation instructions here:


If you do not already have it, you can find installation instructions here:

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